Captain "Razor" Kane Fisher, son of legendary treasure hunter Mel Fisher, sets out with a team offbeat marauders to find the next motherload
We have brought together an A-Team to produce this series. We have expert historians onboard who know the history behind wrecked ships and where to find them, as well as what cargo was onboard when they sank. We also have marine biologists who will help us both identify signs of treasure and ensure that we leave as small a footprint on the fragile oceanic ecosystem as is possible; the methods employed by our dive team are state of the art to ensure this result. We have on staff also an expert metallurgist who will be of great assistance in removing any elements that have taken to the treasure that we uncover, so that we can preserve them as well as possible.
We are filming in 4k resolution with drones both in air and underwater. Our audio is captured with underwater communication systems that provide crystal-clear quality; you will not need to read any subtitles for underwater dialogue. As you know, Gold Rush has been a top series for Discovery Channel for many years. It is a series about a bunch of guys digging in the dirt with heavy construction equipment (supplied by me) for raw gold. Pirates & Privateers will cast a much broader net, as we will attract viewers interested in the great historical aspect of the show. We will employ a crew of expert graphics personnel to recreate the ships and treasure we un-earth: we will recreate the ships and how they broke apart and spread across the ocean floor to the best of our knowledge; as well as the hoard of gold, silver, jewelry, artifacts, cannons, and cannon balls aboard them.
While there is a lot of treasure to find and bring back to the surface, there are forces of nature and man that stand in our way of recovering treasure. Shark attacks, poachers firing guns at us or trying to steal from our claim in the night, foul weather, etc. Lives can and have been lost in the quest for salvaging shipwrecked treasure. Two lives were lost during the original filming of Mel Fisher and his family unearthing 480Million dollars' worth of treasure from The Atocha shipwreck.
Joseph Trivigno is the captain of our ship. He is an award-winning Producer who has had a very successful history in this industry (you can check him out on IMDB). This project has been Joseph's baby from the beginning. He is the catalyst that has brought the A-Team together, as well as the vision that will make "Pirates & Privateers" a top rated, award-winning property.